Living inspired

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Gathering of the earth tribe

Last night I went to a potluck of people who were involved with the CSA at Chochmat HaLev. Yigal Deutscher, who did Adama at Isabella Freedman and has a farm near Modiin in Israel,spoke about his decision to keep shmita.

On the subject of food and love, I went to check out Three Stone Hearth, a Community supported kitchen in West Berkeley, they're into organ meats, lamb stews and raw goats milk. When I walked in, there was a guy grinding up palm sugar. I'm trying to eat really healthy like drinking nettle tea and I made kasha. mmm. mmm. I need to manifest a home.

Monday, November 26, 2007

in need of some inspiration

things are chill here,there's sunshine. we need rain. I think I've got to take a few risks, stop hanging out at home. Going out and hearing holiday musak in the store is hard on the soul. I want to crawl into a cave and hibernate. but to know not to despair.. To my readers, any encouragement is appreciated. A friend called me and invited me to Ammachi, an Indian woman who gives hugs. I could use some universal love right now.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I need drunk Yidden R. Shlomo Carlebach says. It would be lovely to be present at the Confrence, mamesh a Gevalt! I have to say that I would be all gevalted out,my neshama will be there if not physically. I'd like to make it to Isabella Freedman for the Hazon food confrence the following week.

Wine country

With the sunshine and clear nights, I had to get out of the urban atmosphere. I headed to Napa via public transportation. Get me to some fresh air and vineyards. My friend Darlene picked me up and we went first to Food for Less-ahhh mass supermarket, and then to their vineyard Carneros and we harvested walnuts, which I'm in the midst of cracking. I have a greater appreciation for the food I eat when I can actually walk on the earth barefoot and eat grapes left on the vine. Tonights dinner: pesto with walnuts. Gratitude for what what grows.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

I love the farmers market

do I need to say more? I appreciate seeing friends while shopping for Vital Vittles whole wheat challah. Today I saw Gabby, the girl I was a nanny for, my long lost market buddy Snooky, and my friend Ahuva, whom I call my future mother in law. She really wants me to meet her son. On the subject of shopping for food-I got some dinosaur kale-I went into Berkeley Bowl without much of an agenda, and it was very chilled out on a Thursday evening. I'm ready to roast some beets and squash and my greens to balance out the white flour/sugar. yeah, yeah...Was at Green fest on Sunday, I appreciate my earth tribe-and tried maca powder, and Coconut Bliss-a vegan dessert.

its been a week of great weather. May the miracles of Kislev be revealed.