Matchmaking on Montgomery St.
I like that that i dance between worlds. Tonight I was walking back from a class on intimate relationships-sounds juicy-right? A young man sitting on the porch said to me, you are the" Happiness Lady"
I'm wearing a slouchy striped beret on my head. Yes. How did they know, they saw me with my smiley wand? They rent the basement from the Ebel's and I was especially smiley when I passed by them sitting on the porch on Monday. I walk up closer to them and we start a conversation. "Are you a shadchan?(matchmaker?)" uh. sure. I know a lot of people-eligible young women and I have a good sense of intuition.
One of the boys is a chosson-engaged. He's from Brasil and his bride lives in Los Angeles. Bachelor number 1 is the most outgoing. He is happy, friendly and his face has a nice shine. HE is from Bet Shemesh in Israel, the 51st state he jokes, there are so many Americans living there. His parents? are they baal teshuva? His mother is American and father Israeli. I first ask what he's looking for, and then I realize I want to know who he is.. I ask him to introduce bachelor number 2. While we are speaking most Eligible bachelor from Argentina comes out for a moment, Mendy. They are sitting in chairs eating popcorn and cookies. I am offered some and I take an Ostreichers chocolate chip cookie. Bachelor #1 is very eager for me to think of someone. Its past my bedtime....and writing about this is even more. Although I just came from a class with lovely young women; on either side of me were two young women with curly hair cascading down their back. I do not see either of them as a match for these boys. As I speak more to #1, he lived in LA for a year and a half. I see him being there. Laid back, fun.I tell the buchurs that the most important thing is to give. That is what a woman is looking for on a date. To be a mensch. We get to the tznius issue. The way these young women dress a little I want to say...provocatively. we choose another word. Makes it difficult to focus on what is on the inside when the outside is distracting, when she's constantly pulling down her skirt. I share that when I dress tznius I feel that I have more space to express my true essence that I am not distracted by the outer.
It would be an honor to find a lovely young woman who is compatible for one of these men, so perhaps I will get an answer in my sleep.
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