Living inspired

Monday, January 7, 2008

a busy day

yes, what to do when your coworkers are coughing around you? Eat lots of garlic? My cold is clearing up B'h. As well as the weather, some blue skies. Chodesh Shvat is here, and feeling the energy of creativity and manifesting the vision. I just made some delicious tahina with parsley-that has vitamin C, and lentils and rice, which I hope will keep me fueled for the next few days. A long quiet day at work, listened to a lot of Tracey Chapman-mellow music-and one song that's not Tracy is in my head. The coolest aspect of my job is the conversations I am having with the manager who was born in Mexico raised as a Jehovahs Witness,and told me me that her great grandmother is Jewish but was a converso.
I started work in a womens sportswear store-and its feeding the gashmiut monster a bit. We are here to enjoy material things, and raise them up, not be consumed by them. I got to give myself a little slack that I live simply, but not not have conspumtion guilt.
Off to sleep for the adventures I have tomorrow.


Blogger bozster613 said...

Eat lots of garlic?
Oy gevalt, such a foul geshmekt/reek garlic leaves the breath&body odor!!
Real healthy, but how about those other possible Dangers of Garlic, what??

January 8, 2008 at 9:27 AM  

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