Living inspired

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Spiritual cleaning

I got my teeth cleaned today. Its something I procrastinated on. I called to cancel, using the excuse that I'm waiting for a paycheck, which is true. The woman in the office told me to pay what I can now. I kept the appointment. I was greeted in the office by a petite woman with gray hair who radiated calm and spirit. She told me her name is Kabbalah. Born Catholic, a practicing Buddhist, Kabblah speaks my language. I told her that I went to hear Laibl Wolf speak last night. She hadn't heard of him. We spoke of being of service and Debtors Anonymous.  I found out she lives in Sherman Oaks, where I will be leading laughter at an event next week, and invited her to come play her Tibetan Bowls at the event. I feel affirmed that my work is one of service on this planet.


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