California fresh cooking
with the inspiration of the soundtrack to Once, I made a mango salsa with red onion, cilantro, lime juice, and salt. yum. I look forward to getting an Iraqi cooking lesson this week.
with the inspiration of the soundtrack to Once, I made a mango salsa with red onion, cilantro, lime juice, and salt. yum. I look forward to getting an Iraqi cooking lesson this week.
Ice cream weather is here. Ici on College ave makes organic ice cream. today I had meyer lemon sherbert. refreshing. the line was out the door and down the block. its turning into the Cheeseboard of ice cream. highly recommend it!
ohhh. after being back here for a year, I'm finally understanding why things don't manifest when dating people who say,"I just ate some wheat, I'm not feeling well, I'll call you in a few days" (which turns into weeks) great. points to my friend, yes, his name is Snooky who picked me up at the farmers market, and was bold enough to ask me what I do with fennel. we exchanged cards. he actually did call and I am enjoying spending time with him
I just came from the Jewish home for the Aged and saw their new sterile, cold synagouge. what was the architect thinking? not a place where I would want to praise the creator,. Concrete. not very warm and inviting.