Living inspired

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Holy chutzpah-morning laughter

Laughter is a great way to start a morning meeting. You're drinking your morning coffee, how about starting the day oxygenating your body and spirit. Especially when its needed to break down boundaries. This morning I went for a walk and stopped off at the Jewish Senior center. I introduced myself, I do laughter yoga, and wanted to see if I could share some. The woman I needed to speak to, Elaine, started laughing on the the phone with the woman downstairs who called her to tell her who I was. I decided that life is short, and I'm going to have the holy chutzpah to see if I can do 5 minutes of laughter at the meeting, which I did. YAAAY!!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Montreal matza

Montreal is known for their bagels, but I am indulging in the matza-its light and crispy. I feel like I am on the N. American tour of Jewish communities-checking out the Jew food in the deli case. It snowed here yesterday!