permission to play!
With all of the preparations in planning a wedding. We went to look at Chabad of Malibu. The view is great. Went to the Santa Monica beach and ran around, tossed the frisbee. Fun is essential!
With all of the preparations in planning a wedding. We went to look at Chabad of Malibu. The view is great. Went to the Santa Monica beach and ran around, tossed the frisbee. Fun is essential!
Ok, so having a car here is a fact of life. I increased my good karma driving my friend's car and picking up a woman at the bus stop. I am enjoying life here! Blissed from a hike in Serenity Canyon-waterfalls! The dry climate, and all of the plants-figs, date palms! Recovering from NDD-Nature Deficiency Disorder.
The Jewish world just becomes a little smaller in Crown Heights. People from all over the world. Seeing friends from CA-a woman who is a campus shaliach is in town for a week of learning, was walking down Eastern Parkway and saw a woman who looked a lot like Olivia Schwartz, wait! It is! Going to miss that energy, but taking it with me...
Shabbos has a new meaning now that I am a kallah. There are several shabbos kallahs to go to tomorrow afternoon. We are a very popular couple, and have been invited for meals, to stop by for tea... In need of sleep! Feeling very domestic as we went shopping for pictures of Rebbes for the the house. Our books are in boxes ready to be sealed and mailed to CA. California dreaming....
I am enjoying the sweet energy living in the potential of a bright future. Creating a vessel to contain the abundant blessings.
Mazal tov!!! I am a kallah. Its great to share the news with people and make their day. Slowly getting the word out to the corners of the earth. Spreading the simcha. Loving the radiant energy. Definitely want more sleep. It was much needed to get out of the city and be in clear mountain air by Surprise Lake Camp. Holyworld Productions made the shidduch. its all revealed haschacha pratis!