Living inspired

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Eating Clean

Post Passover I am not a slave to pizza and cookies and pretzels. they taste good in moderation.
I had my requisite piece of pizza Saturday night, still waiting for a beer. After sleeping in the hospital for two nights with a friend who had emergency surgery, you bet I could use a beer. I'm grateful for many things, there are lots of miracles to share.

I've been craving sauerkraut-tangy, and mung bean sprouts-crunchy. I've soaked and sprouted them. they're ready to sprinkle on a salad, or eat as a snack. After living simply during Passover, we don't NEED a whole lot. I'm staying with families that live on white flour-packaged cereal, bagels,  cracket

its cheap, easy.  I'm surrounded by yogurt-however I don't want it to be a staple, its a treat. 

Here's my list of essentials

Nori seaweed-high in minerals, can make wraps
Sauerkraut-good for the gut
sprouts have a lot of enzymes accessible to us
I got broccoli
mung beans are easy to sprout
avocado, eggs,and almond butter are my protein source
Lemons are great when they are local, like across the street! street. I wash kale, cut in small pieces, added lemon  juice, pink salt and avocado to a boiled egg-delicious!
