Living inspired

Thursday, June 18, 2015

HaHa I have what I need


thats what I get for leaving my possessions in frirend's apartment. I thought I would have access to the basement apartment this morning, but t I woman left early. So, I have a toothbrush and a change of undwear. so I'm good to go. got essential oils. clothes. just don't have walking shoes. got dancing slippers.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Revealing Gds light in the world

I bless you that there is never an encounter with the gifts and challenges of life that feel to you disconnected from your highest form of learning and revealing God’s light in the world. -R Mimi Fiegelson

Dying to Recover

Thursday, June 11, 2015

humorous connections

I was sitting in the park this morning and saw an old man walking. Is it...yes, its Aaron Dalfin, a smiling sprite of a man who gives me my daily dose of laughter. I said hello to him and reminded him who I am we know each other from the senior center.  We walked, he started suggesting a man who is single, a CPA. Lets NOT go there!  In his attempt to set me up. I told him I'm a hippie leave it be!  as we were arguing about me turning the lights on and off on shabbat a hipster with a Beard with a capital Bwalked by-I met him 5 years ago. I told him that he's much more my type! Just cause he doesn't put on tefillin, he expresses his pintle yid.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Texting and walking

Texting and walking can be dangerous-I tripped on Broadway by 72nd subway. ooops. people asked if I was okay. yes... I got up and held up my laughter sign

This morning on Central Park North I held up my sign to a man in a red t shirt. I showed him a laughter exercise and he gave me $3. great I have subway fare.  all of my $$$ seems to be going to taking subways. Got to purchase a week pass.

Monday, June 8, 2015

SO right on!

My Dear Friends,
The Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast
It's been a weekend of significant energy upgrades. Have you felt the multiplicity of opportunity available to you? As a result we have experienced a marked increase in sound (frequency) vibrations being picked up and and processed via the ears. Have you noticed this?
This is no surprise given the amount of light that has filtered into Earth since June began and we moved past the particularly slow paced (thanks to Saturn Opposition) last week of May. It has been challenging for some to have their heart's opened so quickly, yet necessary for our growth. For our ears are directly connected with the heart and heart openings are always accompanied with these high level frequencies via the ears.
By the way you are not going crazy when this happens. You are becoming enlightened. And this is NOT Tinnitus of which I speak. Tinnitus is a constant ringing and a different topic all together.
- When we advance spiritually our vibration (the rate at which our material particles move) increases.
- We become lighter and process thoughts faster.
- Ideas flow like a tap. Creativity surges.
- Time seems to move more quickly.
- Positivity increases.
- We emit and attract a higher frequency range, greater light is emanated and transferred.
- We up shift our resonant tone. Earth's resonant frequency has also shifted.
When we have a rapid growth in our spiritual growth we start to receive up a very fine, high frequency sound through one ear or the other. It sounds like someone has turned up a radio receiver that they are tuning in. It starts quietly, then gets a little higher in frequency until it gently fades away again. It does not hurt or irritate. It actually feels quite magical. It is NOT the same as Tinnitus.
These sounds (these high frequencies) when they occur, create a feeling like you are communicated with the stars. You are. You are in contact with the music of the spheres. It sounds like a celestial tone. For indeed it is. For indeed you are made of star dust. We all are.
The more you advance and enlighten your body, the more you pick up the sounds of the universe. The more in tune with the cosmic flow you become.

Dear Tip-Off subscribers you would be getting the ear buzz constantly I should imagine xxx
- When receiving sound, stop, close your eyes and listen.
- You are receiving information that will be decoded at a later time.
- In the days following a starry download you will notice synchronicity in your life increases. Life seems to take on an uplifting hue.
Left ear receiving = spiritual growth. You are asked to act on your intuition and trust your divine wisdom. You are upgrading. Relates to the female aspect of nature.
Right ear receiving = physical growth. You are being guided on the practical steps to make. Go ahead with your plans and 'do'. Relates to the masculine aspect of nature.
What have been your experiences this week? Have you felt this up shift? Let me know by commenting below and join in the global conversation.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Kabbalah swimming

ok I know kabbalah is a sexy word. swimming? seriously? walked on Broadway after leading laughter and stopped at table with a man selling books--I gave him a paperback book that I found on the UWS last week. He promptly put a sticker on it to sell.  A man wearing a Na Nach white knitted kippah was persusing books. I took out my laughter sign, and we got into conversation. Aryeh's mission is to keep the essence of Kabbalah intact while seeking a new form, a new energy and comtemporary sensibility which can be applied.   The way he devised to do this, was to develop a new method, using the medium of swimming to reach the modern spiritual seeker.  The result is a new style and form of swimming employing a new Kabbalistic formula, in essence, applying a great spiritual principle espoused by the late first Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Abraham Yitzhak Kook, of "renewing the old and sanctifying the new." to plug into his overall goal of bringing Jews back into mainstream Judaism through sport and exercise in a spiritual, healing, and restorative way that resulted in Kabbalah Swimming.

Funny guys better in bed?

Humor is sexy': Funny men are better in bed, says new study…/3759590-humor-sexy-funny… ‪#‎humour‬ ‪#‎dating‬ ‪#‎women‬ ‪#‎men‬

I'll keep you posted...

Thursday, June 4, 2015

rocking the small business expo!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

What gets your heart racing?

Life is great. the sun
is shining.  there's a man blowing giant bubbles in Washington Square park.  I got 2 matching numbers on pick 5 Lottery gets me a free ticket. Just got a lot of free schwag from Community Health Day at NYU, sponsored by VillageCare and NYU. Got a beach ball, frisbee, and backscratcher, as well as canvas and more sturdy tote bag. Made great professional connections. I am psyched. Could use more sleep. Credits go to Chen from China for taking this photo

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Blue track shoes

I'm so grateful for my comfortable bright blue Puma sneakers. putting the miles on them. They take me downtown, crosstown, through the streets of Brooklyn, often the laces coming undone. Thank you shoes.

Lahahaughing in Angelicas

We asked a man who looked very present sitting at the nearby table to take these pics. I asked him, "are you a yoga or meditation teacher?" (I saw the beads on his wrist.)
Yes. He just did a yoga training with the woman sitting across from him. I said I was from California, so is she.  What part?
"Palo Alto."
Small world.  her brother left this world this winter. we have much to heal, to find wholeness, share compassion. 

We are on a journey

 from a Dvar Torah by Rabbi Kaya Stern -Kaufman of Rimon

We are all travelers, each of us, charting a course whose destination we cannot know. Sometimes we move in circles, sometimes forward, two steps to the left or right, straight ahead and right back where we started. For the Israelites, the Tabernacle at the center of the camp and the center of their lives gave tether and grounding to the wilderness journey. With a tether to the sacred source of life, one can navigate through the unknown twists and turns that inevitably arise on any journey.
And yet, there were times when the Tabernacle itself needed to be dismantled. There were times when the Cloud of Glory would lift, and the people heeded the call to move forward. At such times, the sacred center itself needed to be taken apart for the sake of the journey. The Levites were charged with guarding and protecting the parts which made up the whole and carrying them until the next encampment when they would re-assemble the sacred space.
There are indeed times when breaking down and taking apart something that was a sacred whole is a necessary, though painful step in being able to move forward. There are times when Truth calls to us so loudly- so strongly, that we must move from the place we have been to an unknown destination. Perhaps you can recall times in your own lives when you heeded such a call. Maybe you are hearing that voice now, in some way. Certainly this has been the case in our collective story as a people and perhaps more so now than ever, it is the current story in the life of humankind. There is a current call for change that is so imperative, on so many levels. Our newly emerging understanding of the profound level of interdependence within which all life exists- whether biological, social, economic, or environmental provokes us to reconsider all the structures we have created.
And so I ask us to all to consider, what are the structures that we need to disassemble in order to move forward, toward a better world? They may be physical structures, but likely, they are internal structures within our consciousness- belief systems, values and judgments.
What I see in the wisdom of Torah is that while we may need to dismantle something that once was whole, something that served us in the past, we must also protect and carry forward those very same pieces to a new place and time, so that the holy can be reassembled and serve the greatest good.
My prayer for each of us is that we access the strength and courage to listen to the Divine call as we hear it, the endurance to move patiently forward, and the commitment to bring all of our sacred pieces along with us.

Sharing Laughter

Yesterday at the 34th st subway with the steel drum I approached a gray haired ponytailed woman with glasses and asked if she's getting ehr daily dose of laughter?

the answer no, I wanted to cheer her up on this drizzly Monday and offer her a jar of 'laughter cream'  her train came and she did smile she told me she's on the way to oncologist.

Dancing with the energies of the moon

reposting this:

This is actually a dynamic full moon because of the planetary aspects its making. It opposes Mars, the Sun, and Mercury. There's an in-your-face quality to this full moon because of Mars. We may have our ideas or faith challenged. We may feel incited to go on a crusade of sorts or defend what we believe in. Jupiter, the ruler of the full moon, makes an aspect to Uranus. Our ideas and beliefs are cutting edge, they awaken others, or they are ahead of their time. The full moon also makes a hard aspect to Neptune, so there's a theme of loss, surrender, compassion, and forgiveness.

have a sense of humor, and let go...take a walk on the wild side. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Flirting with the universe

I just discovered Uniamory on facebook.  found this:
Rather than calling G-d forth, we are unwittingly 'flirting'- which means giving attention to. An act that one who seeks to change the world, let's say, might devote oneself to do. Making each one on the planet know he is worth it. You are seen, you are known. You are human, too!

Yes yes yes!

aliveness to language

אורות - ניגון (של הרב קרליבך)

the power of a niggun...