ok. going to share a little of what happens to me in a day... a week. just came back from the laundromat on 20th and 9th. While it was washing I walked to High Line, went straight to grass, put my laughter sign and engaged with a man. Its SOOO nice to engage with people. when you can get 24 hours of connection in 5 minutes Feels good to receive appreciation from the smiles. Good to sing a happy tune as walking down the street.
Its a sunny somewhat breezy spring day. pretty perfect. I think I'll nap on the train to Brooklyn. Have a session scheduled for this afternoon.
Yesterday went into Crown Heights. danced with a little girl and a woman who looked like her grandmother on Eastern Parkway. YES! Went to Creative Soul gallery exhibit of Elke Reva Sudin work. Really nice to see how its evolved. Met my friend Rochel in Kmart, I have a plan to get her out of Williamsburg. Being by Penn station with all of the lights and noises is overwhelming, especially if you have PTSD.
I had a female taxi driver from Crown Heights drive me to Manhattan on Tues. Felt like I was shlepping a heavy bag to and from places. I actually had a friend be my holy bag shlepper. We sat on the grass outside the botanic gardens. I lay down on a slant.
Wednesday I walked to Union Square and visited my friend Sarah whom I know from LA in the village. the bus was free!
I did a turnaround with a guy selling me a haircut who was working on commission. I asked if he's getting his daily dose of laughter. We parted with a hug. I now have an appointment at a fancy salon that I paid $30 (it was supposed to be 70 he sold it to me for $35 and he didn't have change of $15 so gave me a $20) nice! it includes highlights and a scalp massage. I like that part. I guess it comes to the tipping
I had a big meat craving and ate a pastrami sandwich. I feel like I'm an official NYer now.
I've been to a Jewish assisted living home, met a very funny man. Witty. he wanted to marry me, but we left it that we are looking for our own kallah/chatan (bride/groom)
Helped my friend Claudio tape his audition. Lights, camera, action...patience.
Shabbos is coming !