Rain in June
Its raining outside Like the flood
I'm working at the Jewish Girls Retreat in Latham NY. the motto is
Where every girl Grows...Where every girl shines...where every girl is Family
Its raining outside Like the flood
My days of grazing are over for the next 3 weeks. When I cook I usually have no appetite.. Yesterday I cooked with much more animal flesh than I'm accustomed to. It turned out well, nicely spiced with cumin. I'm learning the amounts. I pray to pull it off well for lunch. My motto right now is better everyone happy and good spirits even if we're living on cheese sandwiches. I'd prefer to serve less dairy and meat.
what can I say about Matisyahu's new song? I resonate with it. interesting to know him personally and know some of what inspires the music. I'm on a journey as I listen to it.
I admit it, I get a certain satisfaction coming into people's cluttered spaces and creating some order.
Ok its boot camp time for feeding many mouths. I'm presently in a house with 10 children. At lease one of them is away, actually working in summer camp in Palo Alto. I am in a slight nightmare
Its time to make a pile. I dug a shallow hole today and dumped what we've been collecting on the earth.
I have arrived in Lenox, MA with my backpack, carryon, bags and bags, and with some weeding out of papers, I think I'm good. Appreciating being out of the city
Ok, I lived really simply last week, and I don't need a lot. I acquired what I did need, like shoes. I'm clearing out the hand me downs and winter clothes as I prepare to head upstate. What does one really need? I say a tehillim and a toothbrush. gotta keep on singing Let it Go from Frozen
good morning. I don't have time at the moment to extol all the virtues of sauerkraut. I want to share that I popped a bit into my mouth, and its grounding and centering and yum! that bit of tang is great for our digestive system. Gut health= Overall health. Invite some friendly culture into your diet.
it demands my attention. this morning when I woke up in a bed-Goldilocks finding is just right-a comfortable Tempurpedic mattress. Definitely moving up in the world after napping on a bench the night before. The thoughts started going. Where's my phone? what time is it?-normal, I use it as a clock. I'm going to guess before 7.
Its 7 am and I'm back in Chocolatte. I'm in the back, there's 3 Israelis, the guy in jeans has crutches. He's loud.
Its 3 am and I made it back to the hood
I'm sitting in Fuel coffee shop in Great Barrington, MA. There was a lightning storm last night. Dramatic. I like the Berkshires. it suits me.
Reb Shlomo also taught that there is an enormous difference between seeing with 'prophetic eyes' and seeing with 'Moshiach eyes'. To see with prophetic eyes means that you are looking at someone and gathering information about them,you are discerning who they are, what they are, you are evaluating them and making predictions based on the information. Seeing with Moshiach eyes means to look at a person and to see their depths without being distracted by what you see on the exterior. You can see your soul mate, butif you are not looking at him or her with Moshiach eyes, you won't realize that you are looking at your soul mate.
These are words from my friend Nykki Hardin who does cleanses in Santa Monica and LA area.
I am content. I've just arrived-last night to a farmhouse in upstate NY, surrounded by fields of weeds outside the window. Its a chilly overcast day, I would almost think I'm in Mendocino. I went to the Hawthorne Valley Farm market up the road-that sells biodynamic dairy and produce. I thought I was going into a small store; its a whole health food store. I think I'm in LOVE.
this is me with Chaya, the garden manager, my heroine. We're showing off our wedding boquets. I like posing with radishes as you can see. I'm feeling a whole lot lighter now that my hair has been shaped by an artist-thank YOU! Its been 'perfect' weather for gardening and dressinng modestly. Hooray! Check out the burlap bags as planters on the side of building.
I'm sitting in Chocolatte, a hip coffee shop in Crown Heights. Part of it is open to the Brooklyn museum. the chairs are whimsical, colorful 60's print covered in plastic. the back section is all girls-I politely kicked out a young man wearing hat suit and beard. I had put my bag down. The mechitza (division between men and women) is here. They are all engaged in studying and on their cell phones.
I suscribe to a lot of blogs, one of them being The Daily Love
Today in the Botanical Gardens I saw a woman with a tanned face and graying wavy hair. I thought, she rocks that. I told my friend Chaya and I shared with her my dilemma to let it go... or continue to henna, which is attractive. I saw the woman sitting on a bench with her friend and said, "excuse me, I wanted to tell you that you wear your hair well" or something like that.
I had a conversation with a friend last night about dressing elegant . Now that its wedding season in Crown Heights, its best to be dressed in a way that if you were to wish a mazel tov at the wedding. I'm not saying that you need to be going out in a wedding. No more shleppy. How we dress does affect our attitude.
This morning went with my friend Muskie and another woman and her curly haired toddler to Bedford assisted living in Williamsburg. A few ladies with terrycloth turbans. The first person I met was Mary
I found out on facebook about the passing of R. Meir Abhesera. He is known for being the 'whistler' in 770 and macrobiotic food. I was a guest at his house in Nachlaot in 1999. I walked behind him as he returned from shul. I was sure that it was he who I was following to his house, however to make sure I politely inquired, "do you know where R. Meir Abehesera's house is? "
Today my shlichus brings me to Lubavicher Yeshiva, sharing laughter with 5 and 6 year old boys. Kids laugh naturally, however some of them are reserved. I led them in some stretching and breathing exercises. One of my favorite exercises is laughter boxing. We threw punches at the 'Yetzer Hara' I told them they all have a responsibility to be b'simcha to bring Moshiach. I'm off to the Yeshiva to lead another round of laughter. L'chaim!
the title of Aviva Chernick's beautiful soulful CD. there is a reason why women don't sing in front of men. Aviva's voice seduces me,, my heart is open; I yearn to get closer, deeper, a divine embrace. My hands hold my heart, I am yours. I await you, and you are already there.
I had a lovely shabbat going to Friday night services at Rommemu. The music brings a whole dimension to the prayer. It was a wonderful transition from Shavout to sharing shabbat with the Rommemu community. We came back from the retreat and raising up the energy in Manhattan Singing Lecha Dodi to the tune of Leonard Cohen Hallelujah A lovely spring evening. Today I went back to Rommemu for shabbat. A woman who was at Isabella was celebrating her birthday. There was also a baby naming for a baby who was adopted. Very emotional.
it rained...each one of us received revelation....we sang. I am closer to people who were 'strangers' and feel conencted to a collective consciousness. there's been late nights of cooking in the kitchen. Ah, Shabbos is coming. the food has been delicious-at certain meals I wish I had 2 stomachs. grateful for sunshine, swimming and singing. Aviva has an angelic voice
I'm feeling a little...intense as the humidity rises and the place fills with people. I am wearing a sign that says
I thought I was sending an email to the CEO of Isabella Freedman, and it went to the Hazon office instead regarding hippies not flushing the toilet. ah yes, sometimes with a low flow toilet you have to hold down the handle. HA HA....
I woke up at 5 and didn't need to be on duty until 10. I opened the kitchen earlier to get access to yogurt and put out cereal. I had a whole 5 hours to meditate, do yoga and write. I got a swim in the lake.
Tonight is the last count of the Omer, Malchus Sb'Malchus. Sovreingnty in Sovreignty. sp? it is also the birthday of Tamar bat Oded z'l. She truly embodied royalty, like our foremother Ruth, who we read about on Shavout. Are we ready for recieiving the Torah anew?
I'm burning the candle at both ends staying up late to write-I have 8 minutes before curfew. I've been up since 5. A long day with a morning and sunset swim, and busy perfecting cracking eggs with one hand and streamlining my method checking and drying kale and spinach. looking forward to getting to bed-there's a clear starry sky. what a beautiful day its been!