' Your feet can never leave holy ground
no matter where the path goes.
Obstacles make your calling clear
Wherever you go you're always here.
We are explorers. That's what we're here for.
Get tossed so you can know falling
Get lost to know you're always found.
The dead-end is actually a doorway.
Knock before turning around.
Keep keep keep letting go for the
Next thing that now, you can't possibly know.
Get OUT the familiar
Leave your father's home
Go to the place that I will show you,
The space you weren't sure was true, before,
Let the mind be blown
What you knew, but hadn't Known.
Life promotes our unraveling.
We are not the thread,
We are not the sweater,
We are g-d naked.
We are not gender, our storyline,
unfolding consequence.
We are one nude body.
Love's luminous omniscience.
i am the hand that pulls the string
i am the dreaded, happy thing,
i am undone by all that is i.
i am what happens in the blink of an eye
i am the i that knows no we
so dissolved this duality.
the we that knows no i.
die into me as we lift our eyes.
We are one organism
with millions of orifices
made up to make love
with our existence.
We have been entranced
to trip at the entrance
of Its luminescence
where lives no question. '
- excerpt ‘ O R G A N I S M ‘ ( That We Are (AllUs))
August 14-24, playfully, collectively replacing social media (even the
youTube!) with Other things. e-mail for work is ‘ allowed! ’ YAY! Come W
I T H ! •
www.heartprintcess.com heart emoticon
Perfect where you are,