Living inspired

Monday, August 31, 2015

I'm done

with being hot and bothered. would like to jump in a pool right now. I could turn on a fan
I'm done with unfriendly unhappy roommates
I cultivate harmonious happy relationships
I'm done with skirts that I trip over.
I manifest well fitting clothing and stylish shoes
I'm done with eating hummus just cause its in the fridge
I eat nourishing foods.
its a big responsibility to be told I can bring Moshiach, so I'll be going to sleep early tonight, with hopes of waking at dawn to go to beach.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Eating Lots of Meat

Organic that is...Making up for what I didn't eat last week. Went to Kol Israel shul on St. Johns by Franklin and met the new young Rabbi Sam and his wife Hanna. My friend told me they have organic meat supplied by Grow and Behold founders Anna And Naf Hanau.  I went to a meal at my friend Aliza's house and it was Inspiring to hear the story from Aura Chaya Bitton how she met her husband.  I love the line I don't know if I 'm dating a gangester or a tzadik?  Good company, sitting on a moonlit rooftop, wine, life is good. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

An Ultimatum to the Creator of ALL THAT IS

Okay UNIVERSE. Its my birthday next week. Can I please, if its my highest and best good, be connected to my partner, and if its meant for me to create a family, that be revealed as well. Otherwise, I'm giving one VERY LUCKY and it doesn't hurt that he's handsome Israeli a green card, which could complicate my life, or not...

Laughter connects us

My highlights of my day include standing outside of Peacefood Cafe and asking two Israeli guys if they are getting their daily dose of laughter?  we did a few laughter exercises. a man in Whole Foods sitting in the cafe said he wasn't, and we made a laughter smoothie. Pineapple and patience!  and of course, abundance
I still feel awkward going to weddings, like I don't belong, I'm not wearing the costume. stopped by for a moment to say a mazal tov. A woman remembered me, I approached her and her friend last year in the bagel store. its nice to be remembered for that!

More Massage!

Healing touch is a neccessity, not a luxury!

It seems that I get a massage on a table once a year. Ok its been more than that, however it doesn't seem like a regular occurence. More healing touch for all whose cells so need the nourishment. Gets the circulation flowing.

The power of a hug

I just completed 3 days of Theta Healing, using our intuition and energy of the Creator of ALL THAT IS to manifest and clear our limiting beliefs. For some reason, a lot of anger is coming up. Feeling that the environment that I am in doesn't match the inner growth I am experiencing. So I am ready. Ready for change. And with that I want more LOVE, a LOT of LOVE-to my self and share with others. I am grateful to run into Ori who just got married on Sunday and gave me a big hug on Eastern Parkway. Sending you some love in your direction

Monday, August 24, 2015

Love this Laugh

Love the laugh in the beginning of this video. these people glow with happiness. Body talks and meditation helps!

Sunday, August 23, 2015


is it genetic?  I heard the author Brad Y speak Wednesday night


I return home from the wedding, with my schwag-another bag for me to shlep around my stuff!  I unpackt he lovely flower arrangement in a blue mason jar, and my other things....I go over to recycling boxes. there are several paper bags from Whole Foods. I think its coming from CA, these things are a commodity, they are 10 cents a piece!  here we just recycle.  I take them out, separate the double bags, and put them in my cupboard. perhaps one day I'll use them...

A heart full of Joy!

I just got back from Ory and Rachel's ecstatic wedding.  A truly radiant chatan and kallah.  one of the most unique weddings I've been to. To quote an older woman, "and now I've seen it all."
I am grateful for new beautiful friends, to see stars and the moon rising, for delicious wedding cake, playful dancing,  connection of body and soul, adventure of a motorcycle ride, ecstatic, and singing in central park. its been an awesome weekend celebrating my hebrew birthday. I am open to manifesting a harmonious new home-with either a rooftop or backyard to garden. I am open to many opportunities to educating and enhancing peoples lives with laughter.


I call them floor roaches.  The pile of hair and dust that collects from when I do sponga-washing the floor with a big squeegee stick. gives me satisfaction to see. I think someone else could pick it up. I will, I'll finish it the job, do it with full participation.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Elul is here

I hear the trees in the wind, they whisper secrets
I want to hear the shofar, piercing my soul
awakening me to teshuva
shedding the habits, the ego that does not serve
I am my beloved and my beloved is to me
I come towards my beloved, with yearning,
with a heart that is purified.
The King is in the Field 
let us go greet 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

New York Minute

It was really fun on the set of whats this film again? Josh Weinberg not essentialwrote and directing--shot in Boro Park. Wow I transformed from a defiant jeans wearing woman riding a bicycling to a chassidishe lady in modest skirt, stockings, and wig. I like the look!  The clothes makes the woman. My character-Horrified woman. I can do that. I get into character riding my bike in the streets of NY. plenty of things horrify me.
My line was to say "Sheigitz!  Vus dus tist di? Crazy! what are you doing?  I was coached by yiddish speaker LA Rosenzweig. I found out he's from LA. is that why I'm calling him that?  No his name is Lazer A?. Those peyos, there is something about the peyos. grrrr!

in the filming. I was so surprised by getting bumped into my beret fell off and I didn't have a chance to say anything.  I would love to see the shot of me laughing . It was funny and a surprise.
its a lot of patience. Got in costume, then we loaded up in a van and drove from 11tha nd 50th to 14th and 47th.  Melanie and I waited in the warm van and I nodded off and took a brief shluff (nap)
went to the corner, people are waiting to cross, they are curious, one man is in a van, and he's facing me. Don't you need to go to mincha?  Fortunately my shlepping around paper comes in handy, I help it up.  Melanie, and the two teenage Production assistants we hiked back the 7 long blocks in the heat back to the apartment that is the office and ate some nosh.  I gotta improve on my dinner habits.

$ELF CARE is an investment

HAIR REMOVAL. Bane of my existence. Could be worse. Could be Persian.  I don't shave. I don't like stubble. ok I do my armpits. I got my yearly leg wax. the rest of year is maintenance with strips, but never gets it ALL off. It took a long time. thats' cause my legs are SOOO long. I got them done in a salon in Chelsea with records on the wall. I was biking on 14th st and stopped in to a threading place. Yes. I am now lighter without chin and lip hair to distract. SMOOTH. 

Going out in the trenches

6:34 AM waiting in Kingston subway station with my green bike. wearing striped pants, a fitted striped dress over, hoodie and rainbow scarf. and pink glitter. Yes, I'm a freak. I pass a Lubavich lady, she's sitting on the bench. I pause for a moment, to engage. I wait away from the bench. She approaches. Uh oh, no I'm good I got candles-I considered bringing some to give. She hands me a L'chaim pamphlet (good to have) a brochure on Tishrei-can share that and doesn't let me go without candles, I can pass on to someone. Ok, I'm a shlucha dressed in camo headed to Daybreaker-its a DJ nightclub without the alchohol and creating community.  the latter part needs some fine tuning. Feelng the LOVE? Yes!  In line there was a young couple kippah and she had a beret. Sweet. 
I cultivated the love with a spray bottle-much appreciated on the dance floor.
Met hot Jewish guy-could we ask for more?
I put up my sign Rock the WOrld With LOVE and had a conversation with Jessica about mindfulness and invited her to shabbat dinner. I'm inviting everyOnNE. Almost. Went to Chelsea Piers sportsclub met man going through messy divorce. Come. eat. celebrate. I will shower you with blessings.
May we be blessed in all our wanderings to uplift and elevate!

Ani L v Dodi Li

I am my beloved and my beloved is to me....
working on containing my energy
being a celibate nun. or something. not responding to the booty call
cause I respect myself.  I keep on forgetting the King is IN the Field. Lets go Greet.

so when do I get to jump your bones?

Applications are now being accepted for healthy and viable seed. Intelligence is  essential. Money doesn't hurt. Healthy physically and emotionally.
I got asked this by tall, dark, handsome JEWISH ($yrian) usually means $...he's arm candy! met at Daybreaker. he was working behind the bar-there's chia kale guava apple squeeze drink) coldbbrewed coffee, and Kevita sparkling probiotic as well as water in flavors and straight up. So yes, we met in a bar. and then he invited me to Chelsea Piers-the health club is HUGE and I got to go swimming and nap on the deck with a view of the Hudson. May we all get lucky!

App for being present?

I met two guys in the supermarket and then had to find them on the corner because I found out one of them has a project to paint portraits of people in Crown Heights. We were speaking and said wouldn't it be great if there was an app that shuts off your phone for 20 minutes or a fixed amount of time and then gives a mindfulness activity to do. Does such a thing exist?

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Marrying the wrong person

 I received a Gett (bill of divorce) 3 years ago on this hebrew date. grateful

Monday, August 17, 2015

Holy Crap

Its holy to get rid of crap. emotional. physical. getting rid of the physical-clothes you no longer wear but you've been holding on to, papers, those birthday cards from 16 years ago. that sentimental crap. makes room for new things. creates space. Dear Lord, bless me to gracefully let go and make room for the NEW.
My friend T who is decluttering her cluttered home said, "this is a good week for declutting. The King is in the Field, I'm sitting on the floor going through my crap and my papers and its holy work."

Death becomes us

that just came out of my consciousness
I was in the Brooklyn library for writing group. I saw a man with a clock with rhinestones around his neck. He's got the time. Bling bling. and we don't.

writing about the diversity of people who come to the writing group makes a good subject. for the moment I will rant about the clutter I create. I am working on getting out of Mitzrayim each and every moment!  Let it go!  I have a box of curated papers and brochures-each one has meaning in a box that gets shifted around in my room.

and I gotta say, on a hot day, its good to be naked (I am wearing clothes right now) for those with imagination.  Just thinking about homeless people who don't have the luxury.  

Monday manifestation

Its Monday
and I don't have a Job. I do have WORK. like exploring doing a women's theatre piece directed by a woman from Argentina mother of 6-who continues having babies when you know by the first your partner is messed up.   Oyy the 'Religious' world is so F-ed up Grateful not to have children. To go to Shahki NAAM class in 45 minutes or head back to Brooklyn, get a haircut and then go to library for writing group. Its a writing day. I went with my roommate to Manhattan this morning. she had a rental car to return. our conversation goes like this,
" I really think 84 year old Tofutti man is for you, no I'm serious he wants young and you're qualified, he's very energetic. You'll have a couple of years together in New Jersey.
I'm thinking of seducing, E- he seems seducable.
"Oh, I'm happy to help you with that one."

 Where are our husbands going to come from?

"Polygamy is the answer. " I declare
 Want to go to Country Two step with me? Funny I just saw a flier for Country Two step for gays and lesbians.  

Shomer Negiah

First of all, Rochel, you don't need to apologize for your boundaries. Its tricky, I dance in both worlds  at times generous with my touch, other times reserved, cautious, holding the ground for the dignified princess that I am. Last night was strange.  At a roof top party with Chassids ex Chassids, some guys I hugged, they are my brothers, others are my brothers, I love them and I don't need to hug, and then there was a Chassid with peyos, adorable, who is Yossi drunk and he goes to hug me. Ewww, you don't have persmission to do that. Consistency is key


Sunday, August 16, 2015

Joy and happiness

In my abundant spare time I can be found writing out Laughter signs and posting them around the hood. Today I was on Kingston and a redhaired Chassid stopped-I thought he was going to give tzedaka and handed me several cards that say Happy by Choice made by @thedailysmile cards with quotes about positivity

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Where we are-from AllUs Frank

' Your feet can never leave holy ground
no matter where the path goes.
Obstacles make your calling clear
Wherever you go you're always here.
We are explorers. That's what we're here for.
Get tossed so you can know falling
Get lost to know you're always found.
The dead-end is actually a doorway.
Knock before turning around.
Keep keep keep letting go for the
Next thing that now, you can't possibly know.
Get OUT the familiar
Leave your father's home
Go to the place that I will show you,
The space you weren't sure was true, before,
Let the mind be blown
What you knew, but hadn't Known.
Life promotes our unraveling.
We are not the thread,
We are not the sweater,
We are g-d naked.
We are not gender, our storyline,
unfolding consequence.
We are one nude body.
Love's luminous omniscience.
i am the hand that pulls the string
i am the dreaded, happy thing,
i am undone by all that is i.
i am what happens in the blink of an eye
i am the i that knows no we
so dissolved this duality.
the we that knows no i.
die into me as we lift our eyes.
We are one organism
with millions of orifices
made up to make love
with our existence.
We have been entranced
to trip at the entrance
of Its luminescence
where lives no question. '
- excerpt ‘ O R G A N I S M ‘ ( That We Are (AllUs))

August 14-24, playfully, collectively replacing social media (even the youTube!) with Other things. e-mail for work is ‘ allowed! ’ YAY! Come W I T H ! •
always heart emoticon
Perfect where you are,

Oreos for dinner

I just came back from a rooftop party in Prospect Heights. Beer, oreos, chips. I think I've eaten brownies and oreos the past two nights. First of all, is there a paid job for me to speak with young men AND women, I'm just saying its predominantly men cause that 's who I gravitate to...about being Jewish. I understand, being Jewish is complex. I like being a Jewess, and see my reality through those lenses. The party was a birthday party for Mike, who shared the d'var Torah at the service last night.   I got a few compliments that people love my ruach (spirit) YEAH!  now that is a  serious compliment.
It was a liberating shabbat, started with shabbat services on the grass at Mt. Prospect Park. We had a veggie/vegan/hechshered potluck in the dark-eating with complete faith. the Brownie bites, and oreos were easy to locate. Ate some blueberry mush. Met lots of cool Jews, like Sariyah Idan who invited me to come to her show at the Living Room in Williamsburg.

Today was utter liberation from what my mind thinks I SHOULD do-go to shul I took my bike to Manhattan and biked on City Streets-7 miles blocked to traffic. I went to a yoga class at Ishta taught by Sarah Finger. The class was free and an introduction to the teachers training, which I am intrigued to do.  Hmmmm. I went back to Brooklyn, and comforted to find Channi by a tree, dressed all in white with white tichel and coloful fruit and vegetables. I got nourishment with juicy grapes, blackberries, blueberries.  Mango slices. Lychees. Juicy fruits. Her daughter Noa asked to have my hat, ride my bicycle. We did some flying on the grass. Focus showed up with a guitar. Great to meet fellow kindred spirit on this journey.   LOVE.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Good EREV SHAbbeS!

Elul is in the air (sung to the tune Love is in the Air from Strictly Ballroom)

I've got energy so I woke up and swept the floor and collected those floor roaches (the piles of hair and dust that collect) its purging day, letting go of all those piles of papers I collect. I can let go, I can make room for something greater than me. Its ACTION time, like I have 2 weeks to renew my CA drivers license   my dear roomate Ilana is showing me what she is going to wear to the lesbian wedding she's going to-its called for Cocktail attire-that means bling bling, right? She asks me what comes before the the line in psalm I start singing.
Shabbes, shabbes, I yearn for shabbbes. I rode my bike out to Park Slope/Gowanus for Chulent last night. Monique Mizrachi known as Honeybird performed. She's absoulutely adorable in a summer dress with stars and bellbottom jeans and her pale skin, blue eyes, and bushy short dark hair Love her spirit. Ezzy provided the precussion with hand drumming on the floor. I remember a few characters from when I went last year in Crown Heights. Chaim with the peyos-we saw each other at the Kingston station this week, I remember Ezzy and his songwriting. I spoke with Pini, a shiny faced father of 3 with a vape pen or whatever you call it. We spoke about the daily grind and making a living, he appreciated my positive spirit.

yes, they serve Cholent-too much pepper, chips, popcorn, iced tea, pesto and bread, and things that look unidentifable like fish and chicken.  The energy shifts with the male female ratio and the energy each neshama brings. When I arrive there are a few men, mostly middle aged, sitting and singing. the tunes carry, they uplift my soul. I sit and talk with the other Pinny, he is tall, has two long locks that are not peyos hanging by his side, I stand close to him, there is something endearing about this man who easily would fit in Berkeley. he is tall, he slouches, in his second year of law. he grew up in Ramot. he is a translator. I leave with Sara who also lives in Crown Heights. Sara just learned to ride a bicycle and we are going to go on a ride.  She is supporting herself as a dog walker-she tells me she has to take a pic when the dog poops and send to owner!  She does street art and healing from her upbringing as Natura Karta.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

We ALL have a DIVINE mission

Talented. Beautiful. Passionate.
  The holy Ari z"l taught that every Jewish soul is here in this world to
perform a particular task, to do a particular "tikkun olam". The unique
 'shlichut'/mission that you have been given cannot be fulfilled by anyone
 else but yourself, and the same is true for everyone else. Furthermore says
the Ari z"l, this unique mission of yours, is uniquely yours; ever since
Hashem first created the world and until Mashiach is coming, no one else was
 given this particular shlichut/mission, this particular responsibility for
 "tikkun olam" - the fixing of the world. No one else can do it for you/us,
 just as we cannot do someone else's 'tikkun'.


Come On UNIVERSE, you GOTTA help me get out of my way.
You gotta help me connect with my tribe and shine my light, illuminate the darkness and I need $$$
you gotta help me. We  live in a physical world. I want to bring glory to you

Monday, August 10, 2015

Hoarders Anonymous

Hi My NAME is ALONA JASIK and I am a HOARDER. I hoard cardboard and paper Wait WAIT I HAve a plan! I am going to make pupppet.s NO, seriously I AM. I know theres a box of paper and cardboard cluttering things up. its my treasure.


I was riding my bike down 2nd ave (in the direction of the F train) and passed by a box of...stuff-of cleaning supplies like natural toilet bowl cleaner and green sponge cloths and  biokleen powder laundry detergent. THANK YOU UNIVERSE . DOwn the street there is a Craftsman Art Supply Store. Reimnds me of the one I went to In LA on La Cienega.  And then I started to miss him. Our trips to buy canvas and paints. I composed a text to him saying I found this store and it made me think of him. so did meatloaf with rosemary.  But wasn't gonna send it. . so I bought a finger puppet I can stick in peoples faces when they are texting and walking -SO ANNOYING! I'm guilty of it too. On my way back I found a roll of crepe paper-It party TiMe and Mad Libs.  on the subject of Parties the people in the hood are gearing up for their Yom Tov Labor Day parade.

Gzunt a Hey!

So you wanna learn some Torah before breakfast-Gezunt e hey-(you should be healthy and well)
its the new phrase in our holy home. My roomate Ilana is eating bread with feta cheese as she listens to the end of R. Shimon Jacobson's shiur, Natalie is out on the deck praying. I've been up since 6 and did some painting, writing and even washed the floor!


Fwd: Cuddling- a message from yehoshua rubin

Yehudit and Reuven Goldfarb (
To:, Active View
1 attachment (8.6 KB)
I found this in my inbox, a gem

When all is said and

life is only about one


Do you want to heal the world, heal your
family, and heal your relationships? All you have to do is learn how to cuddle.
I call it the magic touch.

On an extremely busy day. Filled with
teaching and youth activities and laundry and food shopping and telephone calls
and business meetings I found that I had a 40 minute window. 40 minutes is a lot
of minutes and I was looking what to do next. I realized that I was too tired to
do anything and lo and behold our nine year old was watching a movie. So I said
to myself "That looks good." I sat down next to her. After about 2 minutes she
etched her self closer, poured her head onto my chest, wrapped her arm around my
arm and we cuddled. At that moment life was all good and there was nowhere I
would have rather been.

Did you know
that there is actually a medical condition called Touch phobia or the fear of
being touched
! Oy vey!
In the

is warm soothing

which gives us the strength not only to
deal with the world's coldness

but even to warm the world up.  

I think we have too many expectations
from the Messiah. I would settle for the Messiah teaching us how to

It is time to curl up and bring some
healing to our world.   

Shmitta Art Fest on Governors Island

Friday, August 7, 2015

Yearning for shabbos

In the deepest way
I want rest
I want stillness
I want sweetness
I want the scents of Gan Eden
I yearn for the song of my soul
as we approach Elul
getting close to the King
Unity of my soull

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Tales of a Trashy Girl-adventures in recycling

I just redeemed all my precious plastic water bottles and earned subway fare$2.75.  While shlepping the shopping bag of bottles to the city and back to Brooklyn I had time to read a section of the NYT  that had an article titled Holy Redeemer; Ana Martinez de Luco who works at a Redemption center in East Williamsburg.

Practing NO EXTRA

I admit it...I hoard. Cardboard boxes. Plastic bottles to recycle. used plastic cups. All in the name of ART. I don't have my ART SHACK, I have a porch that I am cluttering with boxes. Today I finally faced it, and broke down the boxes, sorted through the pieces of cardboard, and found that knife I used for cutting the tape. Simplicity. Being able to appreciate what I use. Letting go of the rest and trusting that there is ALLways MORE.

Double take...go for a third

Yes, flirting is fun. Walking out of the subway station.  Eye contact a smile, the heart races and then...curiousity
look back, yes he's looking too.
wait, Mr. in a baseball cap and beard scruff,
hey there Sexy!  ok won't say it. 
silence is  a fence for wisdom. 
We'll see if we cross paths again

Consistency is Key

Showing up

over and over.
Even when I don't feel like it
changing the patterns, and showing up to myself and others
Encouraging us all to unplug a little more and meditate-the benefits are abundant!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Cleaning my room

Today I was able to locate those items I was wondering where the wandered off to-the book on Joy-underneath the bed, my bra on the bedpost, the light up ring-in the pocket of my sweatshirt. Washed the floor, made a floor roach-pile of hair and dirt. Now to let it all go! Making room for manifesting magic.

Collecting botttles for ca$h

Its a hobby of mine, walking around the littered streets of NY and finding plastic water bottles to collect-its Poland Spring. I took some to Whole Foods by Union Square and got a small amount from the machine that scans the barcode. I think I have laundry $ with this batch. 
 On the subject of collecting, I collect. Papers. books. Its purging time. More of where that came from.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Purpose of prayer-turning on the flow

From Shaul Youkedevich, transcribed by Jenny Hanna Goldfarb
What is the real purpose of the prayer? To change ourselves. As one of
the greatest kabalists of the last century, r'Ashlag says, a person
gets no more and no less than what he wants to receive. So you're
trying to tell me the trouble I had last month, that I wanted to
receive that? Let's look at it like the water company who supplies
water thru the pipes, now the city can supply the water all the way to
the customer's home. And yet if the person is not receiving - we have
to check our own pipes - The problem is not with the city water, but
the person's pipe to receive it. Every person is connected to a system
of pipes that protect me as a customer to too much high pressure that
is coming from the city system, so too each person has their own
receptors to receive the Lightforce of the universe. Let's say a
person likes to get drunk, he likes to be selfish, and indulge
himself, there's a big problem with that. There's another rule we have
to learn - we have to remind ourselves - when we want to connect to
the Lightforce of God it is different than the city system in water;
if I take lots of water I have to pay, but the payment in the
spiritual worlds is 'paying it forward'. The Light of God being
endless, so if I want to keep receiving I need to create a system down
here with affinity to the big system; to create my own "water tower"
of sharing with everything I receive; each paycheck, each encounter,
each relationship, each day.